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Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Sidneys are Reunited.

Call me sentimental, but it is great to see that Sidney Seelster is back with Sidney Weaver.  Yes, claiming horses is an every day occurrence, but it is nice to see what could have been a truly heart breaking experience has turned into a feel good story.  Here is hoping the two Sydneys have a long time together.

For the first time since the Meadowlands opened, the Presidential FFA Series has been cancelled due to lack of entries.  While 12 horses were nominated, most came from the Ron Burke stable making it unfeasible to contest this year.  To tell you the truth, with one round of eliminations and the final, it is just as well as it wasn't the Presidential Series of years past.

On this Valentine's Day, for those who have not seen last year's Valentine's Day trailer for "I Am, A Harness Racing Horse", allow me to re-present it.

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